Sacred Poses: A Cross-Cultural Movement Analysis Using Motion Capture

This project uses motion capture to analyze three movement techniques: Muslim Prayers (Salat); Tai Chi (Yang style); and Yogic sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) in order to see what wisdom may be embedded.
Project Site

Project Snowflake: A collaborative design environment for transmedia workflows

Funded by Google, this project endeavors to establish professional workflows for indy media makers using machine learning.
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Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities

Edited Collection, 2021 This collection, published by
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The Video Essay: An Emergent Taxonomy of Cinematic Writing

Digital Anthology, 2017
Project Site

Future Texts: Subversive Performance and Feminist Bodies

Edited Collection, 2016
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MoMLA: From Panel to Gallery

Digital Anthology, 2013
Project Site

Speaking with Students: Profiles in Digital Pedagogy, with DJ Johnson and Dave Lopez

Digital Anthology, 2010
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From Gallery to Webtext: A Multimodal Anthology

Digital Anthology, 2008
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The Library Machine

Funded by the USC Libraries challenge grant, this project used depth cameras and 3D scanning to index a selection of artists’ books using a touch based interface.
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On the Front Lines of Education

This website from 2009 was remade in HTML5 recently and represents the initial work on remix that is now common in MAP.
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The Video Analysis Tableau

This project was supported by the NSF’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discover Environment (XSEDE) and used numerous computer vision algorithms to index large video archives.

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Filmic Texts and the Rise of the Fifth Estate

This is the first article to be published in Scalar, the multimedia authoring platform, in 2011 by the International Journal of Learning and Media (MIT Press)

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